See something you like?
Need a variation?
Or a large quantity?
Contact us to inquire about special occasions and volume pricing.

I just love being in the kitchen. It's that simple.
When it comes to cooking, I've often been told "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". It is in all likelihood my father who throughout my life has inspired me to enjoy the kitchen. With an Egyptian upbringing and a highly Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean-influenced palate, he was always cooking elaborately - for his family, friends, and countless social gatherings, leaving no appetite unsatisfied!
My mother, on the other hand, grew up in war-torn Poland, appreciating the smaller things in life, rationing and sharing, creating happiness from the little she had, To this day, her greatest joy comes from putting a smile on someone's face with detailed thought, meticulous gesture, and a creativity that inspires hope and retains youthfulness.

So, between the influences of my childhood, the family I've been blessed to grow with, and the environments and circumstances that surround me, time spent in the kitchen appeals to my creative and inherently child-like spirit, as I aim to please the diversity of palates in a busy household, and a life often spent on the go. I am happy to share the authenticity and freshness of some of my favourite homemade dishes and treats with you.
"There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving."
Bon appétit!
~ Tina
We aim to please.
Need a large quantity? Hosting a special occasion? Looking for a variation on an item?
Email us directly or use the contact form below to find out more information on how we might be able to accommodate your request.

Order 24/7
Wed-Fri 12pm-6pm
Sat 10am-3pm
Coming soon!
Or shop directly with Shipping Menu
(typically ships within 2 business days from payment)
*Contact-free Porch Pickup
while COVID-19 restrictions apply.


Customer Service
Our kitchen is a busy place, kept clean to the highest standards and completely separate in time and space from office management.
We typically respond within a few hours, while keeping your orders and safety a top priority.